Thursday, April 19, 2007

Share your sauce

Hey all. We're gonna try something that Tim T. suggested to us today. In the general info column on the right side of our site we've added a Daily WOD's link. Hopefully we're able to post our two listed WOD's the night prior and every now and then post a special "pain and suffering" WOD. We're gonna encourage members (and anyone else) to post their times for whatever WOD they happen to do that day, even if it isn't one listed.

As Jimmy A. likes to say, "Share your sauce!" Sometimes it'll be strong, other times it'll be weak. That's the beauty of CrossFit; it doesn't matter how good or bad you do, only that you perform and then look to make improvements next time. Posting your sauce will also let you gauge yourself next to your buddies, even if those buddies happen to be in another state or country, as happens quite often with members in the military. Also, it's more motivating to chase after the scores of someone you know or have them gunning for your best times!


kalima512 said...

You gotta "share the sauce"! It may highlight a weakness (or "weak sauce") and gain the attention of someone who is strong at said weakness. This may give them and you an opportunity to teach/learn the "tricks" to improving in your weak event(s).

Another benny....humble pie! (the idiom not the band)

Tim T said...

Jimmy and Rick thanks for the technique help with the muscle-ups. I'm gonna shift my daily activities from the mother site to here so I'll be in touch regularly (sharin' the sauce). Ya'll stay safe.