Monday, February 2, 2009

Ali joins the club today all kips.


Matthew said...

Hey Rick and Dymphna

I haven't died. I know I sort of left on a quick note because of the PCS, but I wanted to say thanks for all the help you provided me with on Crossfit. One of my buddies here at Knox is into it as well and we've been following OPT's routine on his site because it seems to be a bit more challenging. I do have a question though, the timer you guys have that you can use for Fight Gone Bad, can you tell me where to order it? I hope all is well, I keep up with the site pretty often and the gym seems to be doing great as always. I hope your family is doing well. Talk to you all soon,


Rick510 said...


Always good to hear from you and glad to see you've got some buddies to do the WODs with.

The little timers are by GymBoss ( and cost $20.

Take care and give your family our best.